Mauric furniture

we desiGn • make & install

Huon pine and myrtle. Being installed
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storage options ... with shelves
We have designed and made a variety of storage pieces whether they are stand alone furniture, fitted cabinets or boxes for a multitude of purposes. Here are a couple of fitted storage units with shelves:
Tasmanian Myrtle with Huon Pine accents. This wall unit is made of solid timber for a heritage style Tasmanian property. The shelves are made to withstand large heavy books.
This curved plywood seating allows for a panoramic view of the coastline under large windows. Hidden beneath is plenty of storage. A property for entertaining, the house was being refurbished and reformed to give the clients access to the fantastic long coastal views. This seating was only a small part of the total refurbishment.
The image shows the seating in progress.